Souler Flare Update #3
Souler Flare » Devlog
- We have been working on new levels in out game, we currently have 2 in the works. They will have their own aesthetic to each level and be different then other levels.
- We have created new code for each level with different traps and a brand enemy exclusive to other levels, that will increase the difficulty by "bit" ;). Not like our level is already hard.
- Subhan - Has been making our second level to his own aesthetic, so it will be different to the other levels. He has also been improving our first level design by adding in the final door, and some shrubbery to the first level.
- Erick - Has been making our third level, which will be the most difficult level as of yet until we make the final level. He has also coded in new scripts to make platforms more dangerous to the player, and has finally fixed our jumping bug.
- Our project plan is going pretty well, we may have to work some crunch time to get all of our ideas for final game, but i think progress is going smoothly enough that we will have everything we want in the game. We have finally fixed a bug in our game that would kinda break the animations of the player, but its fixed now so we don't have to worry about that anymore.
Screenshot Descriptions
- In our first image we have a platform with a skull with glowing eyes in the center, The platform is designed to be a trap and will instantly start to fall as soon as the player touches it, this platform is exclusive to our third level
- In the second image we have our player in some water that will slow you down and push you back, and is there to hinder you but not a lot. You will be able to jump out, so it isn't too hard of an obstacle.
- Third image is another platform with a skull in the center but no glowing eyes and as you can see in the picture the platform is tilted. This platform will be tilting depending on which side the player is on, also exclusive to the third level. We will have it in a mix of the falling platforms and some other traps that will be added on later to stop our player.
- Our next big milestone is the Final Game Release so that's pretty big. We have just finished the Beta release, Alpha release was next but due to time constraints we had to combo Beta and Alpha. But they are pretty similar so its not really a big deal. Final release should be due by May 24, our progress is looking smooth, but maybe somethings might take longer then others which could potentially be a problem.
- Final Game is gonna be our complete game with all the levels added in and key items to get to the final level, We also will have a final boss that will be the final level, which we will start working on as soon as we can.
- Big risks coming up could possibly be our boss AI, I think that will be the main problem, getting the computer to do what we want and how its gonna work with the mechanics of our game. We might have to add a health system to the player cause right now our player dies in one hit to everything granted it isn't too hard not to die.
- We will try our best to polish up this game and not have game breaking bugs with our boss or something with our final level, depending on how it goes in development we may have to work on it longer but i think we're efficient enough to get it done with it out being a huge problem to the final product.
Get Souler Flare
Souler Flare
Samurai adventures in the Demon World.
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