Souler Flare Update #2
Souler Flare » Devlog

- We have added in a background in the game, and have completely changed our platforms and how they look.
- We have also have been adding a lot of code for our player and enemies, we have also added in environmental hazards in the game but have not really implemented them fully.
- Subhan - He has been working on creating our levels, adding in the background, hazards in the level, and also has been coding our enemies.
- Erick - Has been working on our Player, which has been quite difficult to work on due to many of the bugs of animation and code. Also added in attacking and enemy deaths.
- Our plan has been going pretty smoothly, only some minor bugs that occur with the levels and player, but has been going well and hopefully there isn't a huge setback or big bug that makes it harder to work with.
Screenshot Descriptions
- 1st picture is showing a brand new enemy type in our game, a ghost who has a fiery aura around him. He will be just be flying around certain platforms just going back and forth.
- 2nd picture is showing a Door which leads to a brand new level, and will be in every level. Being able to go back and forth to all levels.
- 3rd picture is showing a environmental hazard which are the spikes and they will kill the player instantly if you fall in them, we also have a skeleton there, he is suppose to move from point to point on platforms and as you can see our player is in the middle.
- Our next big milestone is Alpha release and we have recently finished the prototype, so working on alpha will be our main focus. Alpha should be done by May 3rd, we probably will finish before that date but you never know.
- The Alpha will just improve upon our prototype with smoother movement and some new features to our player, more content to our levels and enemies.
- The biggest things i think we could get stuck on is coding and certain things with animations, and our character maybe getting stuck. Hopefully they don't happen but you never know. Coding will probably be our biggest concern that we will be working on.
- To address the problems, we will probably have to stay after or work on it at home more, so we can polish our game even more or just work out certain bugs that will take longer. Look online for help on certain things or just learn about certain things that will help us in coding, so we don't get stuck doing a certain mechanic in the game.
Get Souler Flare
Souler Flare
Samurai adventures in the Demon World.
More posts
- Souler Flare Update #3May 10, 2019
- Souler Flare Update #1Apr 12, 2019
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